Navigating the 2024 Housing Market: Key Questions for Homebuyers

In 2024, the real estate landscape is evolving rapidly, and if you're considering buying a home, you're likely eager to stay ahead of the curve. With information pouring in from various sources, it can be challenging to cut through the noise. This blog is your guide to making informed decisions in the current housing market. We'll address the top two questions you need to ask yourself, backed by data and expert insights.

1. Where Do I Think Home Prices Are Heading?

Understanding the trajectory of home prices is essential for prospective buyers. Fortunately, there are valuable resources available, such as the Home Price Expectations Survey by Fannie Mae. This survey aggregates the opinions of economists, real estate experts, and market strategists.

Recent Projections: According to the latest data, experts forecast that home prices will continue to rise steadily until at least 2028. While the rate of appreciation may not match recent years, the critical takeaway is that prices are expected to increase, not decrease, for the next five years.

Why It Matters: This projection is good news for potential homebuyers. Purchasing a home now means that you'll likely see an increase in your property's value and build home equity in the coming years. Delaying your purchase may lead to higher costs down the road. In a market where prices are on the rise, acting sooner can be a financially savvy move.

2. Where Do I Think Mortgage Rates Are Heading?

Mortgage rates play a pivotal role in your home buying decision. Over the past year, rates have fluctuated in response to economic factors like inflation and uncertainty. However, there's a promising development for prospective buyers: moderating inflation.

Inflation and Mortgage Rates: When inflation subsides, mortgage rates typically decrease in response. Recent weeks have seen this trend unfold. Additionally, the Federal Reserve's indication that they may pause their Federal Funds Rate increases and potentially cut rates in 2024 has heightened expectations of lower mortgage rates.

Expert Insights: Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at, suggests that "mortgage rates will continue to ease in 2024 as inflation improves and Fed rate cuts get closer." The National Association of Realtors (NAR) adds that "mortgage rates likely have peaked and are now falling from their recent high of nearly 8%." This is expected to improve housing affordability and incentivize more homebuyers to enter the market.

Bottom Line

When considering a home purchase, staying informed about home prices and mortgage rates is crucial. While predicting their exact trajectories remains uncertain, being armed with the latest information empowers you to make a well-informed decision. Connect with us to stay updated on market dynamics and take advantage of these favorable conditions as a homebuyer in 2024.


  • Active Inventory in June 2023

  • National Association of Realtors: Confidence Index

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it a good time to buy a home in 2024? Yes, it can be a favorable time to buy a home in 2024. Despite rising home prices, the market offers potential buyers the opportunity to build home equity as prices are projected to continue increasing. Moreover, mortgage rates are expected to ease, potentially improving housing affordability.

2. How can I make the best decision in the current housing market? To make informed decisions, stay updated on home price forecasts and mortgage rate trends. Consult with a trusted real estate professional who can provide insights into the local market conditions and help you navigate the buying process.

3. Should I wait for home prices to drop before buying? Waiting for a significant drop in home prices can be risky. While prices may fluctuate, the overall trend suggests appreciation. By buying sooner, you can benefit from potential home value growth and avoid paying higher prices in the future.