Overcoming Obstacles in Today's Housing Market to Sell Your Home

If you're a homeowner contemplating selling your house, you might be facing two significant obstacles that are causing hesitation. These are the fear of taking on higher mortgage rates and the worry that you won't be able to find a suitable property to buy due to the low supply in the market. Let's delve into each challenge and provide you with valuable advice on how to overcome these barriers.

Challenge #1: The Reluctance to Take on a Higher Mortgage Rate

According to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the average interest rate for current homeowners with mortgages is less than 4%. However, today's typical 30-year fixed mortgage rate offered to buyers is closer to 7%. As a result, many homeowners are hesitant to move to another property with a higher borrowing cost, a phenomenon known as the mortgage rate lock-in effect.

The Advice: Waiting May Not Pay Off

While experts predict that mortgage rates will gradually fall this year as inflation cools, waiting may not be the best strategy. Mortgage rates are notoriously difficult to predict, and in the current market conditions, home prices are back on the rise. If you choose to sell now, you can at least avoid the impact of rising home prices when you buy your next home. Additionally, if experts are correct and rates do fall, you can always explore the option of refinancing later.

Challenge #2: The Fear of Not Finding Something to Buy

With many homeowners reluctant to take on higher rates, fewer homes are being listed on the market, resulting in lower inventory levels. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), explains that this limited housing supply will likely persist for the coming months and even years. Some homeowners are unwilling to trade up or down after locking in historically-low mortgage rates in recent years.

The Advice: Broaden Your Search

If the fear of not finding your next dream home is holding you back, consider expanding your search criteria. Look into all housing types, including condos, townhouses, and newly built homes, to have more options to choose from. Moreover, if you have the flexibility to work remotely or in a hybrid model, you might be able to explore areas that were previously outside your scope. By considering locations farther from your workplace, you may find more affordable and attractive options.

Instead of dwelling on the challenges, focus on what you can control. Connect with a professional real estate agent who has the experience to navigate these waters and help you find the perfect home that suits your needs and preferences. Don't let the fear of higher mortgage rates or limited housing supply prevent you from making a move in today's market.


  1. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Mortgage Rates

  2. National Association of Realtors (NAR) Chief Economist