Grandparents on the Move: How Proximity to Grandkids Shapes Relocation Trends

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about an era of social distancing and isolation, forcing many families to stay apart to protect their loved ones, especially the elderly. Grandparents, in particular, faced the difficult decision of staying away from their cherished grandkids to minimize health risks. However, as the pandemic recedes into memory, a heartening trend has emerged—grandparents are increasingly relocating to be closer to their grandkids. In this article, we'll delve into the data and explore the reasons behind this heartwarming phenomenon.

The Post-Pandemic Yearning for Family Reunion

Throughout the pandemic, grandparents refrained from visiting their grandkids, especially as schools and public spaces became potential sources of infection. However, now that the world is returning to normalcy, grandparents are eager to make up for lost time by spending more quality moments with their grandchildren.

Data Insights: Grandparents on the Move

Data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reveals a fascinating trend among the age group of 55 to 74, with this demographic relocating over 100 miles more than any other age group. Considering that the average age of grandparents in the United States is approximately 67 years, it is plausible that a significant portion of these long-distance movers comprises grandparents keen on reuniting with their grandkids.

The Driving Force: To Be Closer to Loved Ones

The NAR report highlights a key motivation behind these long-distance moves—to be nearer to family, especially grandchildren. This desire to create more quality time with the younger generation is underlined by the data, as "closeness to loved ones" emerges as the predominant reason for moving.

The Power of Grandchildren in Shaping Lifestyle Decisions

Vance Cariaga, a journalist at Go Bank Rates, eloquently sums up the sentiment driving these relocations: "Never underestimate the power of grandchildren – especially when it comes to lifestyle and financial decisions. Recent data shows that many baby boomers are relocating further away from home than they used to so they can be closer to their grand-babies."

The data speaks for itself—grandparents are embarking on significant relocations to be closer to their grandchildren. The importance of family, especially the bond between grandparents and grandkids, is a powerful force shaping these relocation trends. If you're a grandparent who understands the profound significance of these relationships and is contemplating a move to be nearer to your loved ones, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's connect to help you make this heartwarming transition a reality.