Retirement Freedom: Is It Time to Start a New Chapter in a New Home

Congratulations on your retirement or upcoming retirement! This is an exciting time in your life, and it's worth considering if your current home aligns with the next chapter you're about to write. As you approach retirement, the idea of making a move might be more appealing and feasible than you think. In this blog, we'll explore some key factors to ponder as you contemplate selling your current house and finding the perfect home for your retirement years.

1. Reflect on Your Time in Your Current Home

Homeownership Duration Trends: From 1985 to 2008, it was common for homeowners to change residences every six years on average. However, according to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), this trend is shifting. People are staying in their homes for more extended periods (see graph below):

As you've lived in your home for a substantial amount of time, it's only natural for your life to have evolved within its walls. Your needs, priorities, and lifestyle may have shifted over the years. Consider how well your current home meets your present requirements and whether it aligns with your retirement goals.

2. Assess Your Home Equity

The Power of Home Equity: If you've owned your home for an extended period, you've likely accumulated substantial home equity. Over time, property values tend to appreciate, contributing to the growth of your home's equity. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) data reveals that homeowners who've owned their homes for several years have experienced significant equity growth (see graph below):

While property appreciation varies by location, the national average shows that homeowners who've lived in their homes for five years witnessed their home values increase by nearly 60%. Those who've owned their homes since 1991 have seen their home values more than triple.

3. Define Your Retirement Objectives

Tailoring Your Home to Retirement: Retirement is a time for embracing new adventures and opportunities. It's also an opportunity to tailor your living situation to your ideal retirement lifestyle. Consider your retirement goals:

  • Downsizing: If you're looking to simplify and reduce maintenance, downsizing to a smaller, more manageable home might be the perfect choice.

  • Relocation: Perhaps you've always dreamed of living in a specific location, whether it's near the beach, in the mountains, or in a vibrant city. Retirement can make that dream a reality.

  • Proximity to Loved Ones: Being closer to family and friends is a common reason for relocating in retirement.

Your home equity can be a valuable resource to help you achieve these goals.

4. Consult a Real Estate Professional

Leverage Expert Guidance: Navigating the real estate market, especially during retirement, can be complex. It's advisable to collaborate with a seasoned real estate agent who specializes in working with retirees. They can help you:

  • Evaluate the current market conditions in your area.

  • Determine the optimal listing price for your current home.

  • Identify suitable properties that align with your retirement objectives.

  • Guide you through the buying and selling processes, ensuring a smooth transition.

Retirement marks a significant life transition, and your housing situation should complement this exciting phase. Whether you envision a smaller, more convenient home, a change in location, or closer proximity to loved ones, your accumulated home equity can empower you to achieve your retirement dreams. Connect with a trusted real estate professional who can assist you in selling your current home and finding the ideal retirement residence. Embrace the freedom of retirement by making a move that enhances your lifestyle and sets the stage for an extraordinary retirement journey.


  • National Association of Realtors (NAR): insert_link_to_NAR_data

  • Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA): insert_link_to_FHFA_data