Selling Your Home in a Low Inventory Market

In the dynamic world of real estate, timing can make all the difference. If you're a homeowner considering selling your house, the current low housing inventory presents a unique opportunity for you. With fewer homes available for sale compared to more normal years, you have a distinct advantage as a seller. This blog explores why the current low housing inventory is a sweet spot for sellers and highlights the benefits it brings.

The State of Housing Inventory

To understand the significance of the low housing inventory, let's take a look at some key data:

  • Housing inventory is still significantly below levels seen in more normal years.

  • Reference: According to a recent report from, the active inventory in June was 50.6% below pre-pandemic levels from 2017-2019.

Why Low Inventory Benefits Sellers

The limited supply of homes on the market has several implications that favor sellers:

1. Faster Sales and Multiple Offers

In a low inventory market, well-priced homes attract more attention from buyers. This high demand coupled with limited supply creates a sense of urgency among buyers, leading to faster sales and often multiple offers. Consider the following statistics:

  • The percentage of homes selling in less than a month has increased.

  • Reference: The latest Confidence Index from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reveals that the percent of homes selling in less than a month has ticked up slightly to 74%.

  • Median days on market have decreased, indicating faster sales.

  • Reference: The NAR report also shows that the median days on market have gone down to 18 days, further demonstrating the speed at which homes are selling when priced appropriately.

  • The average number of offers on recently sold homes has increased.

  • Reference: According to the same NAR report, the average number of offers on recently sold homes has gone up to 3.3 offers, highlighting the competitive nature of the market.

2. Increased Visibility for Your Home

With limited inventory, your house will be in the spotlight. Buyers have fewer choices, which means your home has a higher chance of standing out among the limited selection available. This increased visibility translates into more inquiries, showings, and potential offers for your property.

3. Favorable Price Trends

Low inventory can drive up home prices due to the competition among buyers. As a seller, this means you have the potential to sell your home at a favorable price and maximize your return on investment. However, it's essential to work with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can help you determine the optimal listing price based on market conditions and comparable sales in your area.

Making the Move: Seizing the Opportunity

Considering the advantages presented by the current low housing inventory, now is an opportune time to make a move if you've been contemplating selling your home. Here are the next steps to take:

  1. Connect with a Real Estate Professional: Work with an experienced real estate agent who understands the local market and can guide you through the selling process.

  2. Price Your Home Strategically: Set a competitive price for your home based on thorough market analysis and expert advice. A well-priced home in a low inventory market can attract more buyers and generate higher offers.

  3. Prepare Your Home for Success: Ensure your home is in its best condition to make a lasting impression on potential buyers. Consider staging, decluttering, and making necessary repairs or improvements to enhance its appeal.

  4. Market Your Home Effectively: Partner with your real estate agent to create a comprehensive marketing plan that utilizes online platforms, professional photography, virtual tours, and targeted advertising to reach a wide pool of potential buyers.

  5. Negotiate and Close the Deal: Work closely with your agent to evaluate offers, negotiate terms, and navigate the closing process. Their expertise will be invaluable in securing the best possible outcome for your sale.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How does low housing inventory impact the selling process? In a low inventory market, homes tend to sell faster and may receive multiple offers. This increased competition among buyers can result in favorable selling conditions for sellers, potentially leading to quicker sales and higher sale prices.

2. Are there any drawbacks to selling in a low inventory market? While a low inventory market can be advantageous for sellers, it also means that finding a suitable replacement property may be more challenging. It's crucial to consider your future housing needs and have a plan in place for your next move before listing your home for sale.

3. How can I determine the right listing price for my home in a low inventory market? Setting the right listing price requires careful analysis of market conditions, comparable sales, and expert advice from a real estate agent. A knowledgeable agent can help you assess the current demand, competition, and buyer preferences to determine a strategic and competitive price that maximizes your chances of a successful sale.

The current low housing inventory provides an advantageous environment for sellers. With homes selling quickly and multiple offers being common, you have the opportunity to achieve your selling goals efficiently and profitably. If you're ready to capitalize on this market condition and make a move, reach out to a trusted real estate professional to guide you through the process and ensure a successful sale.